
Screening of the documentary "Khavaran Nameh - A look at the history of Iranian painting" in Golestan Palace

  • 18 March 2024
  • 14:43
  • 0 دیدگاه
  • 92 بازدید
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Screening of the documentary "Khavaran Nameh - A look at the history of Iranian painting" in Golestan Palace


The documentary "KhavarAN Nameh" is a look at the history of painting art in Iran, based on the copy of Khavaran Nameh found in the treasury of the Golestan Palace world heritage complex.

According to the public relations of the Golestan Palace World Heritage Complex report, the documentary Khavaran Nameh directed by Kamyar Farooqi will be screened on Monday, December 18, on the occasion of Research Week at the Abyaz Palace Anthropology Museum of this world complex.

This documentary deals with the history of the art of painting in Iran and shows the impact of different ethnic groups in the culture and art of Iran. Also, this documentary is based on the version of Khavaran Nameh in the Golestan Palace treasury by Kamyar Farooqi, a researcher and documentary maker.

اکران مستند «خاورنامه - نگاهی به تاریخ نگارگری ایران» در کاخ گلستان

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